The trouble with cats and working from home

The pandemic has changed the way many businesses operate, and more of us than ever now work from home. Although remote working has it’s benefits – no commute, more flexible hours – it also has one massive downside for thousands of of people. Working from home can get lonely.

Although it’s easy to keep in touch with colleagues and clients via conference call or video conference, it’s not quite the same as personal interaction. And when we’re in full lockdown, it’s not like you can even pop round to see friends and family.

So, if you find yourself holding up the supermarket queue as you indulge the cashier in a (most likely unwanted) stop-and-chat, it’s probably time you did something about your work from home set-up.

Like get a pet, for instance…

Get a pet to beat the work from home blues

The are numerous ways to beat the work from home blues, many of which we’ve already touched upon in these very pages, but if you’re really feeling lonely, the best option could be to get yourself a pet.

Take care when choosing your pet though – a fish is low-maintenance but won’t make great company, a dog will probably spend most of the day battling for your attention, while a cat, well a cat just does as it pleases and will only bother you when it wants feeding, won’t it?

What could go wrong..?

Although a cat does offer great company, you could find they become the star of the show on your video calls. They might even insist on overseeing your work to help you get finished quicker – usually because they’re in need of food or attention.

cat looking at laptop screen

cat sat at a computer

If you still need convincing a work from home pet is the way to go, read Got the working from home blues? An office pet could be the answer.