Tag: <span>technology</span>

2020 has been a tough year for all of us, and if you’ve been placed on furlough during lockdowns or you’ve had the misfortune of losing your job – even if you’ve just had enough of everything want to work for yourself –  it might be worth considering starting up your own venture.

This could either be by doing your current job on a freelance basis or starting up your own new business.

Starting out can be costly though, in terms of both time and money, so it’s often a good idea to kick things off by working from home – you may even have no choice but to do so in the current climate.

But what businesses work well when started from home? Here are our top home business start up ideas.

Inspiration Small business Work from home

Every time you interact online you’re adding to your digital footprint – that virtual record of what you did, who you did it with, and when you did it.

Whether you’re buying something from a web store, checking your bank balance, updating a social status, or even just typing a question into a search engine or leaving a comment on a blog (all comments welcome below), your digital footprint is affected.

What this means is anyone can track your digital footprint and make fairly accurate assumptions on your lifestyle – anyone who has the knowledge and the inclination, that is.

And although most of us won’t have a back-story worth bothering with, not to mention nothing to hide, it’s still a little disconcerting to think someone could tap into your lifestyle should they wish to.

It’s all but impossible to completely cover your online tracks, but if you want to give it a go, here are some of the steps you could take to try and disappear completely…

Guides & How-Tos Technology

2020 has seen us all spending a lot more time indoors than in previous years – and with so much time at home, internet searches have surged by between 50% and 70%, while streaming has leaped by at least 12%, according to preliminary statistics from Omdia, the tech research arm of Informa Tech.

Things were bad enough before lockdown when, globally, we spent a combined 7.5 billion hours online every day. This totals 856,164 years spent browsing – that’s long enough to travel from Earth to Mars and back again.

1,426 times!

So, how exactly are we spending so much time connected to the internet? And are we wasting too much time online?

News Technology

Are you suffering from tech stress?

It’s a question we frequently ask ourselves, particularity as our over-reliance on phones and tablets and espousing of an ‘always-on‘ culture mean that tech stress is becoming an increasingly common problem in people’s work life and home life – if you’re constantly checking your devices for emails or social media posts, or you lose it when your phone battery loses it, then you’re probably already a sufferer.

It’s a problem that may well have got a lot worse during lockdown, as people turned to their devices even more in an attempt to stay connected with the outside world.

But what are the signs of tech stress, and what can you do to stop it?

Guides & How-Tos Technology

Our homes are getting smarter – we control smart speakers all around the home with our voices, control our thermostats from anywhere with smart heating, and control the ambiance with smart lighting. There are even smart fridges that which are programmed to sense what kinds of products are stored inside it and keep a track of the stock through barcode or RFID scanning.

These gadgets all have one thing in common, they’re constantly online. And anything that’s always connected can be used in a cyber attack. And the older the connected tech, the easier it is to hack into.

So, is it time smart tech came with a ‘use by’ date?

News Technology Work from home

Whether it’s phishing, Trojan Horses or a DDoS attack, cyber crime is getting more and more complex and efficient

All of which is obviously concerning, but have you ever wondered how hackers actually make their money?


Technology is evolving faster than at any time in history, and if we’re not yet quite living in a sci-fi version of ‘the future’, we’re certainly staring at a new frontier that is being driven by automation, data intelligence and technological advancements.

And while progress should never be halted, we’re in serious danger of putting ourselves out of jobs – data driven intelligence is delivering digital transformation for all sectors and will eliminate various existing jobs between this decade and the next.

Many jobs humans do today which are slow and filled with errors, will be replaced by intelligent systems, whether in form of robots or computerised devices – will your job be one of them?

News Technology

Social distancing measures designed to help stop the spread of coronavirus have meant that more and more food and retail outlets have been asking for contactless payments. If you’ve ever wondered how this tech works, it’s all down to NFC – an easy and intuitive technology that allows you to use your mobile phone for special purposes.

Still none the wiser? Read on…


Cyber security experts are warning us to be extra vigilant online, as the panic caused by the coronavirus crisis has seen a surge in cyber crime and online fraud.

And while anyone who regularly reads our blog will be all too aware of the dangers posed by cyber attacks* – which can cause everything from mild irritation to a full-on international incident – did you know that hacks are graded on their severity?

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – the part UK spy agency GCHQ we’re actually allowed to have sight of – has drawn up new framework for ranking cyber attacks in an effort prepare ministers, agencies and law enforcement for a major attack.

News Technology

This week we’ve been reporting on an increase in cyber attacks, with the focus being on phishing scams, many of which have been praying on people’s fears over the coronavirus pandemic.

But there are many more dangers out there, especially for smartphone users – our phones have become such an integral part of our everyday lives that it’s easy to forget they’re a piece of tech that’s as vulnerable as any other where hackers are concerned.

And if you’re an Android user, it seems you could be at greater risk than your peers on Apple.

Guides & How-Tos Technology