Category: <span>Technology</span>

Hackers are constantly evolving the way they operate, which means cyber attacks are getting more and more difficult to identify and prevent.

At the same time, more and more of us are accessing sensitive personal and financial information across a number of devices, often storing passwords and even banking details for greater convenience and quicker access.

The trouble is, the more devices we store data on, the greater the chances of being hacked. Data breaches are common and increasing, even on seemingly secure platforms. Here are 10 steps you can take to keep your data as secure as possible.

Cyber security News Technology

Everyone has a mobile phone these days. In fact, smartphones are now so ubiquitous that there’s a good chance you’ve not used your  home landline in a long time.

Things may be a little different if you have a business premises, but here are some reasons why we think you should hang on to your landline.

Conference calling Technology

Let’s not kid ourselves, Apple phone chargers are flimsy and expensive – I’ve not had one iPhone that doesn’t need a new charger after six months – but buying a fake to save a few pounds could prove costly.

Guides & How-Tos Technology Uncategorized

Our need to stay connected at all times means, telephones have never been more popular – 95% of UK households now own a mobile phone, compared with just 16% back in 1997, according to figures from Statista, a leading provider of market and consumer data.

But if most of us carry a mobile around with us and the analogue phone system is due to be switched off by 2025, where does that leave the good, old landline?

Conference calling Technology

It’s been three years since GDPR came in to force to help protect our data. And even though it’s an EU directive, it’s been kept on in the UK post-Brexit.

Our quick guide to GDPR for small businesses should tell you everything you need to know.

Guides & How-Tos News Technology

Around the world News Technology

Internet trolls are everywhere – just as some people turn into psychopaths the second they get behind the wheel of car, others lose all sense of perspective the second they get online.

This strange breed get a bang out of causing arguments or, even worse, causing others personal anguish, safe in the knowledge they’ll likely never be found, such is the level on anonymity you can have online.

It’s a phenomenon that isn’t a million miles from the world of disinformation, and the two can often go hand-in-hand if there’s a conspiracy or half-truth to spread. The last 12 months has given trolls a lot of ammunition.

If you or your business is being plagued by these online idiots, here’s how to handle internet trolls.

Guides & How-Tos Technology

There’s always been something a bit mysterious about cryptocurrency – maybe it’s down to a lack of understanding about how it works, or maybe it’s a lack of understanding about why it’s needed.

But has lockdown changed our perceptions? And is cryptocurrency now mainstream?

Cyber security News Technology

The beta of the new Apple update iOS 14.5 is available for download. The improved version of the operating system should bring innovative features for iPhones and iPads. Here is a summary…

News Technology

Phishing is a type of online fraud in which cyber criminals send emails or instant messages pretending to be from a reputable company or person, in an attempt to access sensitive information, such as login credentials or account details.

Things have evolved since the days of emails promising jackpot payouts on the Nigerian lottery, and phishing emails generally come in the form of an official-looking correspondence from your bank or an organisation like PayPal.

And this increased level of sophistication brings with it an increased level of threat – even just clicking a link within an email can send a bug into your system that can access any sensitive data you have stored on your hard drive.

Guides & How-Tos Infographics Technology