Category: <span>Infographics</span>

No-one knows how Brexit will affect businesses in the UK, but there are some worrying signs of trouble ahead, as some big players are contemplating relocation, and the price of everything seems to be on the rise.

And with many businesses in the UK already operating on tight margins, any slight increase in overheads could be enough to see them slip into financial difficulties.

So, were going to take a look at whether energy prices will increase, if and when the UK does leave the European Union (EU).

Infographics Small business Technology

If you work in an office, you’ll no doubt have your daily routine nailed down – maybe make a cuppa to take to your desk, fire up your computer, then check your emails to both ease yourself into, and set your priorities for, the working day ahead.

The chances are you’ll also work in an open plan office, where all colleagues can easily communicate with each other across the room – this is all part of the evolving office work-space, and things were very different as little as 20 years ago.

Let’s take a quick look at how we arrived at the modern day office, and what sort of working environment might lie ahead for office workers of the future…

Infographics Inspiration Technology

When you’re having a bad week, the daily commute only serves to the prolong the agony – the last thing you want at the end of each torturous day is a tortuous journey – but have you ever wondered just how long we all spend stuck behind the wheel, or sat on a packed train?

Flexible working Infographics Work from home

If you’ve ever been stuck in rush hour traffic, or been packed-in on public transport, you’ll know all too well how frustrating the daily commute can be.

If you travel long distance for your job, maybe for better pay or a better housing, the amount of time the commute adds on to your day can leave you wondering whether it’s worth the hassle.

And the bad news is, it looks like commuting times are on the rise.

Flexible working Infographics

Remote working is on the rise – the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 13.7% of the UK workforce now undertake some working from home – but why is this?

Flexible working Infographics Work from home

Napoleon Bonaparte once famously described the UK as a ‘nation of shopkeepers’, and, while that description might not quite hold up some 200 years later, it’s certainly true that the UK is a nation of small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

And the success of each SME is essential to the prosperity of the UK economy, including yours.

It’s not an overall success story though, and the UK may actually have too many small businesses, here’s why…

Infographics News

Cloud computing is a technology that enables companies to manage data and files online, rather than on a computer’s hard drive, and has been a driving force behind the growth of flexible working across the UK.

And 2017 is expected to be the year when we reach the tipping point where flexible working becomes more common than working from an office, according to a report from Lancaster University’s Work Foundation.

So what is the future of flexible working? And how will cloud computing feature in this brave new world?

Flexible working Infographics Technology

The internet of things (IoT) is the name given to all those devices that are connected and communicate with us, each other, and compatible apps over the internet.

The idea of the IoT has been around for decades, at least since 1989 when the first connected toaster (!) was mooted at that year’s Interop Internet networking show – a year later, at the 1990 Interop, a Sunbeam Deluxe Automatic Radiant Control Toaster was connected to the internet, and so the fledgling IoT was born.

And now pretty much every electrical device you can think of is connected, from televisions, to printers, to fridges – and we all know the endgame is that the machines will one day rise up and take over the world, but that’s another story…

Infographics Technology

Flexible working Infographics Work from home

On Monday we looked at whether working from home could be killing the day job – the theory being that not getting up, out and into the office somehow made our work seem meaningless.

If you missed it, check out Is working from home ruining work?

And while we would never fully endorse such as suggestion, it is true that working from home isn’t necessarily for everyone.

So, are you cut out to work from home? Read on to find out…

Infographics Work from home