Category: <span>Inspiration</span>

If you work in an office, you’ll no doubt have your daily routine nailed down – maybe make a cuppa to take to your desk, fire up your computer, then check your emails to both ease yourself into, and set your priorities for, the working day ahead.

The chances are you’ll also work in an open plan office, where all colleagues can easily communicate with each other across the room – this is all part of the evolving office work-space, and things were very different as little as 20 years ago.

Let’s take a quick look at how we arrived at the modern day office, and what sort of working environment might lie ahead for office workers of the future…

Infographics Inspiration Technology

You can do big things with a small team – as someone who has worked as part of a small team in every job I’ve ever done, and worked with some amazing people on some amazing projects, I confirm this to be true.

If you’re thinking of expanding you’re team, think carefully before you do and check out these 6 advantages of running a small team…

Inspiration Small business

If you’ve ever started up your own business, you’ll appreciate that one of the toughest decisions you have to make is what to call your new venture. A business name has to work in a number of ways – it has to be something that reflects your brand identity, says something about what you offer, and sets your business apart from the competition.

And getting this just right isn’t easy, especially when you consider there are 5.4 million SMEs currently trading in the UK, so the chances are that someone in your industry has already thought of the name you had in mind.

Vistaprint, the personalised business cards manufacturer, recently conducted a survey to see what makes a memorable business name – here’s what it found…

Inspiration Small business

Guides & How-Tos Inspiration News

Japanese tech giant, Softbank, is to plough more of its millions into UK tech – following last year’s acquisition of ARM Holdings, it’s now backing Improbable, a London-based virtual reality…

Inspiration News Technology

Flexible working Inspiration Work from home

Unless you’ve (probably wisely) conducted your own media blackout in the run up to June’s general election, you’ll no doubt have heard Theresa May’s countless claims that what the UK needs right now is ‘strong and stable’ leadership – strong and stable leadership that she asserts only she and her party can provide.

And she’s right, the UK is in need of strong and stable leadership – no-one knows how Brexit will eventually play out, whether it will ultimately be good or bad for the UK, or what affect it will have on jobs, industry, and our everyday lives.

The snap general election means we don’t even know who’ll be running the country to lead those Brexit negotiations. And these factors, coupled some serious drum-banging and jingoism from politicians and citizens alike, means the UK is a divided nation.

So ‘strong and stable’ leadership is what’s needed, but it’s anyone’s guess which party can best provide it. And if you’re letting all the political posturing and Brexit bandwagoning affect your business decisions, you could be putting your company and its employees in jeopardy.

Inspiration News

Walking into your home and having everything automated by one voice activated system sounds like science fiction, but it’s very much science fact. Rapid advances in technology means the number…

Inspiration Technology

Time is precious when you run your own business, and any time wasted by either yourself  or your employees is wasted money – so it pays to have effective time tracking tools in place to make sure everyone is at their most productive.

Here are five of the best time tracking tools out there right now…

Inspiration Technology

The weekend is almost here and that means many of us can catch up on some much needed sleep – even if you work from home, your hectic schedule can see you miss out on some much-needed rest during the week.

How much sleep do we really need to be at our best though? And is there any link between a good night’s rest and a successful business?

Let’s grab a coffee and take a look…

Inspiration Work from home