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Working from home got many people and business through the worst of the pandemic, but it seems the honeymoon is over as ‘unnamed’ government ministers are calling for home workers to be hit with pay cuts.

It’s quite obviously a cynical and blatant ploy to get people back into offices before the value of their property portfolios plummet. But it seems to be gaining some traction as Google has floated the idea of cutting the pay of any US employees who choose to work from home indefinitely.

Some commentators are even suggesting that travel costs are covered in salaries, and so a cut is fair (or fare) enough if employees aren’t commuting. Which is, of course, absolute nonsense – how many people really negotiate salary based upon the cost of their commute.

So, to try and cut through the bluster, we’ve put together a case in defence of working from home.

Flexible working Work from home

Have you ever been one of the first to turn up for a party where you don’t know many other people apart from the hosts? Once a drink has been thrust into your hand, you’re left to try and make stilted conversation as no-one ever knows quite when to speak or what to say – well conference calling can be a lot like that.

Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Guides & How-Tos Technology

Hackers are constantly evolving the way they operate, which means cyber attacks are getting more and more difficult to identify and prevent.

At the same time, more and more of us are accessing sensitive personal and financial information across a number of devices, often storing passwords and even banking details for greater convenience and quicker access.

The trouble is, the more devices we store data on, the greater the chances of being hacked. Data breaches are common and increasing, even on seemingly secure platforms. Here are 10 steps you can take to keep your data as secure as possible.

Cyber security News Technology

Here at, we’re always striving to offer you the UK’s best conference call service.

If the last 12 months has taught us anything, it’s that people sometimes need more than a simple conference call system, that’s why we’ve teamed up with Livestorm to bring you a simple and effective webinar service.


As of July 19, many of us will be returning to the workplace as work from home restrictions are lifted.

On the plus side, it means we can spend a little less time in the spare bedroom/office. On the down side, it’ll mean a return to the daily commute, office politics and an unnecessary amount of meetings.

As a preemptive measure, here’s how to stop wasting time in meetings.

Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

The school summer holidays are almost here, and if you thought working from home was tough while the kids were at school, wait until they’re off and need entertaining for weeks on end – the constant need for attention, coupled with the hot, sunny weather could make getting any work done all but impossible.

It always pays to plan in advance though, so here are six top tips to make sure the summer holidays aren’t a complete wash-out, at least as far as your work is concerned…

Flexible working Guides & How-Tos Uncategorized Work from home


Guides & How-Tos

It’s been a 15 months since the world locked down. The impact on the UK economy was such that many people lost jobs, and those who never were more than thankful to be in work. But even if you feel grateful just to have a job, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider asking for a pay rise if you think you deserve one.

We all want fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work, but what if you think your employer simply isn’t paying you enough? Or if you’re a freelancer who feels you’re being fleeced by low rates? Here’s how to ask for a pay rise.

Guides & How-Tos Inspiration Small business