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Tech is big business, but it’s also a volatile business – stock prices can plummet faster than you can say ‘Facebook’ – but it’s still surprising to see a dearth of tech entrepreneurs  making it into the Sunday Times’ Super-Rich List.

Of the 100 billionaires who made the list, only four made their riches from tech, and three of them made their fortunes through phones. So who are the tech billionaires…


Having thankfully never spent any time ‘at Her Majesty’s pleasure’ – or ever even known anyone who has – I’m not sure how much of a problem mobile phones in prison are.

And although I’m pretty sure it won’t be up there with a metal-file-in-a-book, or a sleeping guard with keys dangling from his pocket, it’s enough of a problem for the Scottish Government to introduce new legislation to allow prison management to interfere with wireless signals to prevent inmates from illegally messaging one another or the outside world.


While much of the UK might still be struggling its way out of recession, the nation’s tech industry is booming  – not only are UK technological firms posting the fastest level of growth in a decade, jobs in this sector have now continued to grow for four years running.


If reports from the Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas are anything to go by then the gadget industry has decided that 2014 is going to be the year of wearable tech.

As we reported at the turn of the year in our Tech Trends for 2014, wearable tech is going to really hit the mainstream this year, bringing the world of science fiction into the world of science fact.


2013 was a great year for tech as some jaw-dropping innovations – such as Google Glass and 3D Printing – landed, while apps like Vine and Instagram exploded onto the social media scene.

So, what does 2014 have in store for us? Here are our predictions for this year’s tech trends…

Flexible working Technology

The IFA consumer electronics fair kicks off in Berlin on Wednesday and will give geeks and technophiles the world over a chance to try out the gadgets and gizmos that will be taking the world by storm over the next 12 months.

So here are what are sure to be the top 5 gadgets on offer…


As a business owner, there’s no telling when an urgent matter will suddenly rear its head. Whether it’s a website going down or a delay to an important delivery, you’ll need staff to rally around to put things right.

But what if some key stakeholders are away from the office, maybe working from home? There’s no time to call everyone into the workplace. That’s where a conference call can help out.

Conference calling Small business

Women entrepreneurs are thriving. The UK has witnessed a rapid rise in the number of start-ups in recent years, and the number of new female entrepreneurs in the UK has risen far faster than men in the past decade.  It also seems investment funding is more forthcoming than ever before.


Conference calling News Work from home

Cybercrime has been on the rise since the pandemic. More of us have had to make online purchases, which means scammers have more opportunity to defraud us.

If you regularly make online payments, whether for goods or services, you’ll need to watch out for the latest technique fraudsters are using to get their hands on your money – push payment fraud.

Figures from UK Finance, the banking trade body, have revealed that £236 million was lost to push payment fraud, with banks unable to return nearly three-quarters (74%) of the lost money.

In the vast majority of cases (88%) it was individual consumers who were conned out of their money, with an average loss of £2,784. The remaining cases were made up of businesses, who lost an average of £24,335 each.

News Small business Technology

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